Back Search by Part 2013 DODGE DART THROTTLE BODY ASSEMBLYCompatible with Dart Fiat 500 $125.00 In Stock THROTTLE BODY ASSEMBLY SXT,1.4L,AT,ON 300 Part Numbers4892945AABody ColorBLACKKilometres175999Stock25A017TagR08222606VIN1C3CDFBH8DD269406SKU UU208222606GradeA Fitment Choose an option DART 13-16 Throttle Valve Assembly; 1.4L (turbo) FIAT 500 12-15 Throttle Valve Assembly; (1.4L), VIN H (8th digit, turbo) FIAT 500 16 Throttle Valve Assembly; 1.4L, VIN H (8th digit, turbo) FIAT 500 17 (throttle valve assembly); 2 Dr, (1.4L), w/turbo FIAT 500 17 (throttle valve assembly); 4 Dr, L model, (1.4L) FIAT 500 17 (throttle valve assembly); 4 Dr, X model, 1.4L Warranty Options Choose Warranty✨ STANDARD WARRANTY (120 DAYS - PARTS ONLY) - $0.00🏆 GOLD WARRANTY (1 YEAR - PARTS & LABOUR) - $12.50💍 PLATINUM WARRANTY (2 YEARS - PARTS & LABOUR) - $25.00 Message This part is still bolted to the vehicle. Please allow 24 hours to remove. Call For Quote Inquire More Parts From This Vehicle All Vehicle Parts YearMakeModel Desc. Miles Stock #Tag # Grade Fitment Price 2013DODGEDART SXT,1.4L,AT,ON 300 109361 25A017 R08222606 A 337-61053 $125.00